
Get Cart

// get the current user's cart or create a new one
// this is the recommended version to be used on the frontend
$cart = rockcommerce()->cart();

// get specific cart by page id
// returns false if not found!
$cart = rockcommerce()->getCart(123);

// get cart by page name
// returns false if not found!
$cart = rockcommerce()->getCart("0w4esdk");

Creating new Carts

// create a new cart and save it to the DB
$cart = rockcommerce()->newCart();

Adding Items

  item: 123, // page id of item
  amount: 2,

Modifying the Cart Frontend

You have two options to customize the cart:

  1. Hooks
  2. Overwrite view-files

Using hooks

Place your hooks in /site/init.php (not ready.php!):

// modify the cartitem's title:
$wire->addHookAfter("Cartitem::cartTitle", function ($event) {
  $item = $event->object;
  $product = $item->product(); // get the item's referenced product
  $event->return = $product->title;

// modify the cartitem's description:
$wire->addHookAfter("Cartitem::cartDescription", function ($event) {
  $item = $event->object;
  $product = $item->product(); // get the item's referenced product

  // if you want to render html markup you need to use
  // the html() helper to prevent latte from escaping your markup
  // note: do this only on save markup!
  $event->return = $item->html($product->body);