Frontend Rendering

This section is about rendering RockCommerce pages like the cart or the checkout. For site-specific frontend helpers see the next section (links at the bottom of the page).


RockCommerce uses the power of RockFrontend to render all frontend facing pages and make everything customisable by the developer in an easy and efficient way.


Similar to ProcessWire's _init.php file in the templates folder you can add the file /site/templates/RockCommerce/frontend/_init.php. This file will be loaded by _main.php whenever a rockcommerce frontend page is rendered.

This file is the place where you can add styles or scripts or adjust properties of the rockcommerce API variable like pageTitle etc:


namespace ProcessWire;

$rc->pageTitle = 'foo bar';


Updating elements

Often when one element changes (eg updating the amount of a cart item) other things on the page also need to change (eg the sidebar with the total amount to pay). RockCommerce makes that super easy. Simply add the elemenets that should get updated to the ajax request:

// use swap:'foo,bar,baz' syntax
Note that for security considerations only partials can be used for swapping!

The swapped element needs to have either an id or a rc-swap attribute that defines the target elements:

// replace a single element
<div id="cart-sidebar">...</div>

// replace multiple target elements
<div rc-swap=".cart-items-count">...</div>