Rendering Prices

By default all prices will be shown as net values:

echo new Price(100, 20); // 100,00€
echo new PriceMulti(100, 200, 20); // 100,00€ - 200,00€

You can switch to gross prices with a config setting:

$config->rcRenderType = "gross";
echo new Price(100, 20); // 120,00€
echo new PriceMulti(100, 200, 20); // 120,00€ - 240,00€

Or for even more control you can hook the toString() method:

$wire->addHookAfter("Price::toString", function ($event) {
  $price = $event->object;
  $event->return = "EURO {$price->gross}";
$wire->addHookAfter("PriceMulti::toString", function ($event) {
  $price = $event->object;
  $event->return = "from {$price->from} up to {$price->to}";
echo new Price(100, 20); // EURO 120,00€
echo new PriceMulti(100, 200, 20); // from EURO 120,00€ up to EURO 240,00€

You can also prevent showing the to-price:

$wire->addHookAfter("PriceMulti::toString", function ($event) {
  $price = $event->object;
  $event->return = "from {$price->from}";
// from 120,00€