
Make any page a RockCommerce product

First, create a backup of your Database. RockCommerce will add many fields to your product template, so if anything goes wrong or you want to revert for whatever reason it's good to have a backup!

Next you have to create a custom pageclass for your template. Don't panik! That's only one simple step: See here.

Finally you have to make your pageclass use the Product trait of RockCommerce. That's another simple step:


namespace ProcessWire;

use RockCommerce\Product;

class ProductPage extends Page
  use Product;

That's all you have to do! On the next modules::refresh RockCommerce will add all the necessary fields to your template.

Note that in this example we are using the ProductPage class which is tied to the product template. Your IDE should now know that every ProductPage is also a RockCommerce Product and therefore it comes with several RockCommerce-related methods that you can use - see the next section for an example!

Finding products

Use regular ProcessWire API to find products.

Find all products:

// using array-syntax and functions api
  'template' => rockcommerce()->productTemplates,

// using array-syntax and api variable
  'template' => $rockcommerce->productTemplates,

// using string notation

Of course, if you are only using RockCommerce on one template, for example on the product template, you can use a regular selector like this:


Finding proucts by price

Simple pricing (one single price, no from-to price)

$tpl = rockcommerce()->productTemplates;
$net = \RockCommerce\ProductPage::field_net;

Note that you can always use fieldnames instead of using the field constants, but I prefer to use constants as this prevents typos and the IDE helps me to pick from all available fields:

RockCommerce - Products

Complex pricing (from-to price)

If a product has variations with different prices things get more complex. Let's say we wanted to find all products that have a price over 1000€:

$tpl = rockcommerce()->productTemplates;

// use "tonet" field instead of "net" which holds the to-price
$tonet = \RockCommerce\ProductPage::field_tonet;

bd($all = $pages->find("template=$tpl,$tonet>1000"));
foreach ($all as $p) bd((string)$p->price());

// example return:
// 4.833,33€
// 666,67€ - 5.750,00€
// 5.833,33€

Checking if a page is a product

if($page->isProduct) {
  // do something

// or in a latte template
<div n:if="$page->isProduct">I am a RockCommerce product</div>

Note that the isProduct property is a runtime property that only exists in memory and not in the database!