
Makes working with countries and country codes easy.

Currently supports 35+ languages and also includes country flags in different sizes. 😎

Usage (Countries)

Get a single country by its 3-letter code:

// using tracy debugger's bd()
RockCountries - RockCountries

Or get a country and translate its name to german:

// load RockCountries
echo rockcountries()
  // load countries
  // optionally specify language (here de for german - deutsch)
  // get country by 2-letter-code
  // other options are alpha3 and id
  // NOTE: use lowercase!
  // output the name

// will output "Österreich"


rockcountries()->countries() will return a CountryArray which extends WireArray which means that you can do all the things you know from WireArrays, like find(), get() or each() or filter().


Populating a select field

Often you might need a flat array with country codes as keys and country names as values.

$countries = rockcountries()
  ->filterAndSort('alpha2', 'at|de|ch')
  'at' => 'Austria'
  'de' => 'Germany'
  'ch' => 'Switzerland'

Note: filterAndSort() and keyValueArray() are methods of CountryArray which do not exist for WireArrays. WireArrays only have a filter() method, but this only filters the array and does not set the order of returned items according to the selector.