
Creating multi-step-forms with RockForms is straightforward.

First, you need to add the steps:

$form = new MultiStepForm();
  'foo' => [
    'headline' => 'The foo step',
  'bar' => [
    'headline' => 'The bar step',

Every Step added will be a RockForms\Step object which will have a property form that is automatically populated with the form name that will be rendered. In our example the rendered forms would be Foo and Bar (with a capital first latter).

Adding a prefix

$form = new MultiStepForm();
$form->prefix = 'Checkout';
  'contact' => [
    'headline' => 'Your Contact Data',
  'payment' => [
    'headline' => 'Select payment method',

In this example the rendered forms would be CheckoutContact and CheckoutPayment.

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