
Good bye refresh-button, hello RockFrontend Live-Reload! 😎

To enable the live-reload feature you just need to add this to your site's config:

// make RockFrontend watch for changes every second
$config->livereload = 1;
ATTENTION: Make sure that you disable livereload on production!

Then refresh your page and open the developer tools. In the console you should see RockFrontend is listening for file changes... which shows that live-reload is working.

Note that LiveReload does only reload the page if the tab is open!
This is to make sure that when using RockMigrations you don't get multiple migration runs at the same time because of multiple open browser tabs.

How does it work?

RockFrontend starts an SSE stream once you visit a page. In that SSE stream it triggers LiveReload::watch() in the configured interval (usually every second). If it finds a file that has changed since the page has been visited it triggers a reload via JavaScript.

Disabling LiveReload based on conditions

You can enable/disable Livereload globally via the $config->livereload flag. If you want to prevent loading of Livereload on the frontend based on some criteria you can add a hook like this:

// site/ready.php
wire()->addHookAfter("RockFrontend::addLiveReload", function ($event) {
  // if the current user is a guest user we override the
  // original return value and set it to false
  // which will tell RF to not add livereload markup
  if(wire()->user->isGuest()) $event->return = false;

Executing build scripts on file change

RockFrontend can trigger a build script whenever a file has been changed. Just create a file /site/livereload.php like this one:


if (!defined('PROCESSWIRE')) die();

// early exit if not in debug mode or livereload is not enabled
if (!wire()->config->debug) return;
if (!wire()->config->livereload) return;

// run npm build to compile css from tailwind
exec('npm run build');


If you get unexpected reloads check the livereload log in the PW backend. Whenever RockFrontend detects a changed file in the LiveReload stream it will log the filename in the livereload log.

Browser Support

Note that Firefox will always jump to the top of the page while Chrome will keep the scroll position!


If using DDEV make sure you have a correct webserver type otherwise the reloads might be buggy and slow! You need to have webserver_type: apache-fpm


If you do a bd($rockfrontend->getLiveReload()); you can see the default setup:

RockFrontend - Live-Reload

I've never had the need to do that, but you can optionally customize the config of LiveReload:

$config->livereload = [
  // interval to watch for changes
  'interval' => 1, // 1s = default

  // user defined include paths
  'include' => [

  // you can reset default include paths
  'includeDefaults' => [],

  // user defined exclude regexes
  'exclude' => [

  // you can reset default excludes
  'excludeDefaults' => [],