Children Grid
You can use RockGrid to display a list of all children of a page and show a page action to link directly to this grid:
Page List Action
The first step is to create a grid from RockGrid's UI and copy the name:
Copy Grid Name
Custom Page Classes
When using custom page classes all you need to do to show the grid to edit children is to add the following method to your page class:
namespace ProcessWire;
class TodosPage extends DefaultPage
public function childrenGridSettings(): array
return [
'grid' => 'RockGrid\Todos',
Via Hook
If you are not using custom page classes I highly recommend you start using them, because they are extremely easy to setup and extremely powerful.
If you still don't want to use them, here is how you can use a hook to tell RockGrid to show the grid for page children editing:
// in site/ready.php
$wire->addHookAfter('RockGrid::getChildrenGridSettings', function ($event) {
$p = $event->arguments(0);
if($p->template != 'todos') return;
$event->return = [
'grid' => 'RockGrid\Todos',