
Mutators change the value of the cell. Compared to Formatters this will not only affect how the cell is rendered but also which value is used for filtering and sorting.

Dynamic Column

Mutators can also be used to create dynamic columns that rely on data from another column.

Let's say we had a mysql date from a ProcessWire Datetime field in the column from and we only want to show the day in the format YYYY-MM-DD in a dedicated column:

// we add the column after the "id" column
defs = grid.addAfter(defs, "id", {
  // we set a custom field value that we can use in other places to work
  // with our new data
  field: "day",

  // set the title of the column
  title: "Datum",

  // set the width of the column
  width: 100,

  // use a mutator to define the cell value
  mutator: function (value, data) {
    // grab the "from" data column
    const from = data.from;

    // if no from date is set return early
    if (!from) return;

    // use the luxon library to parse the date from mysql format
    // please note that you have to enable luxon in the module settings!
    const date = luxon.DateTime.fromFormat(from, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

    // return iso date as YYYY-MM-DD
    return date.toISODate();

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