Why does the module need RockFrontend?
RockFrontend is used to render the markup files that later generate the PDF. On the one hand, this allows the use of template engines (LATTE by default) and on the other hand, it is used to parse the stylesheets, which makes it possible to work with LESS instead of CSS. RockFrontend also offers many other helpers that I would otherwise have had to implement and maintain twice.
Do I also have to build my website with RockFrontend?
No, of course not. RockFrontend is used in the background when you create a PDF. How you create the frontend of your website is of course completely up to you!
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Single: One module on one website for one client. SaaS not allowed.
Unlimited: One module on unlimited websites for unlimited clients. SaaS not allowed.
RockSuite: All modules on unlimited websites for unlimited clients. SaaS allowed.
SaaS: Software as a Service (when a project is used by multiple paying clients).
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