- FontAwesome Icons
- Adding Fonts
- Formatters
- Headers and Footers
- HTML Debugging
- LATTE Template Engine
- Page Dimensions
- PDF Viewer
- Preview Features
- Using Stylesheets
- Using Templates
PHP>=8.1ProcessWire>=3.0.205RockFrontend>=3.8.2Less- FontAwesome Icons
Headers and Footers
Headers and Footers can be tricky in mPDF. Please read the docs here: https://mpdf.github.io/headers-footers/headers-footers.html
/** @var RockPdf $pdf */
$pdf = $modules->get('RockPdf');
->save(preview: true);
This is a simple example that can help you get started quickly:
@page {
footer: html_footer;
header: html_header;
margin-header: 10mm;
margin-top: 35mm;
margin-footer: 0mm;
* use negative margins to move coloured footer
* to the very side of the document
.footer {
margin-left: -15mm;
margin-right: -15mm;
<htmlpageheader name="header">
<table class="w-full">
<td class="f15 text-bold border">
Your Logo
<td class="text-right f10 border">
Your Address<br>
Some Road 123<br>
Some City
Page 1
<pagebreak />
Page 2
<htmlpagefooter name="footer">
<div class="footer section bg-muted py10 px15">
<table class="w-full f8">
<td class="text-left w50">
PDF created with RockPdf
<td class="text-center">
Your Logo
<td class="text-right w50">
<span>Page {PAGENO}/{nb}</span>